You Don’t Have to Go Far for Fair Trade Coffee: Office Coffee Solutions for the New Age

June 12, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Modern workplaces have changed significantly from previous generations. Today, employees tend to emphasize things like ethics and sustainability, and they want to see that their employers share those values. When an organization takes steps to demonstrate its commitment to the greater good, it can go a long way toward strengthening ties within the entire team.

Understanding Fair Trade Coffee

First up, an answer to an important question: what is fair trade coffee? At the heart of the fair trade coffee movement is a desire to protect those who grow the beans. Historically, those farmers have not always been treated fairly by the market and have been harmed by low wages or unsafe working conditions. Buying coffee that has been Fair Trade Certified is a step toward eliminating exploitation in the coffee industry and ensuring that everyone along the supply chain—and particularly at the start of the process—is protected.

In the United States, you can look for the Fair Trade Certified label on coffee products to know that they have been approved under the standards set by Fair Trade USA. You may already have some known fair trade brands in mind that you want to add to your office, or you could work with InReach to identify good options.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

If you have felt in the past that fair trade coffee was too difficult to source for your office coffee service, InReach changes that story. With the right supplier, great fair trade coffee options can be both affordable and readily available. You might choose to only offer fair trade coffee, or you might include a number of brands and roasts in your selection. We’ll help you understand the rather complicated coffee landscape to make sure your coffee station pleases as many people as possible in the office.

Other Ways to Upgrade the Coffee Experience

Going with at least some fair trade coffee in your office is a great choice, but that’s just the start of the upgrades you could make when working with our team. We know how important coffee is to the operation of many offices, so we are sure to have everything you’ll need for an unforgettable coffee experience in your building.

Not all coffee vendors for offices offer everything required for incredible coffee service in one place. We can work with you to find the ideal coffee machine for the office, make sure you get the best possible fair trade coffee to use in that machine, and much more. If what you envision for office coffee machines is a couple of old drip coffee makers, you’ll be amazed at what upgrades are within reach.

Secure the Right Coffee From the Right Partner

Buying Fair Trade Certified coffee is easy when you work with InReach. Our coffee service for the office not only offers abundant fair-trade options but also a wide range of brands and roasts. And since you can customize your plan to perfectly fit the needs of your office, the service you receive will always be precisely what is required to satisfy your teams. Get in touch with InReach today to learn more.