The Sustainability of Coffee Vending: Reducing Environmental Impact, One Cup at a Time

September 16, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

The growing movement toward sustainability and environmentally-friendly decisions is something we can all applaud. In all aspects of life, making choices that consider the well-being of the environment as a whole will benefit everyone moving forward.

Within an office setting, standard complimentary coffee offerings are a great target for sustainability improvements. Given how much coffee is consumed in the average office each day, it’s easy to see how this habit could lead to some negative environmental impacts. But it doesn’t have to be that way. At InReach, we are proud to help our clients establish a coffee program in their offices that is as sustainable as it is tasty.

Two Main Points of Concern

How can we reduce the impact of coffee on the environment? There are two primary areas of potential conflict between coffee services and sustainability. The first is how the coffee itself is sourced. If the beans were grown and harvested in ways that are harmful to the environment, each cup would have done unnecessary damage to the earth. Since the end consumer of the coffee is so far removed from the actual growing of the beans, it can be easy to lose track and not understand how the growing and harvesting process was handled.

The other area of concern is the potential waste that can be generated through the consumption of coffee. Things like single-use cups, stir sticks and straws, coffee pods, and more can all add up to a significant amount of waste, even in a modestly sized office. Only when both sourcing and waste are managed properly will you and your employees feel good about the coffee you drink each morning.

Finding the Right Sources

At InReach, we are proud to offer Fair Trade Certified coffees that have met all the requirements to earn such a designation. We also take care to find coffee options that have been sustainably grown and harvested. All of these steps enable you to feel confident in the coffees you make available in your office without having to spend your own time vetting products. Discuss your priorities with InReach to share the values you want to see represented in the coffee products you stock, and we’ll make sure those values are properly respected.

Cutting Down on Harmful Waste

On the waste side of the equation, there are multiple steps that can be taken to cut down on what ends up in the landfill. As a starting point, using office coffee machines that dispense drinks directly into reusable mugs will take single-use cups out of the equation. Also, for the consumables that are a part of the process, we make it a point to source responsible options that aren’t harmful to the environment. Those components include compostable pods and plant-based utensils. We also have eco-friendly cups available for when a reusable cup or mug isn’t a practical option. Knowing that your coffee services have been managed responsibly will make your entire team feel better above diving into their fresh cup of brew each morning.

Building the Right-Sized Coffee Program

Sourcing coffee from the right places and cutting down on unnecessary plastic waste will go a long way toward creating a sustainable, responsible coffee program. One other variable that you can add to the mix is making sure your coffee program is the right size for the team you are trying to serve. InReach has an expert team that is capable of customizing your program to perfectly suit your building—meaning there won’t be a bunch of excess waste in the process while still ensuring you serve all your people.

More Sustainable Coffee Service Starts Here

Every office deserves great coffee, and the environment deserves coffee services that are managed in a responsible, sustainable manner. Both of those things are InReach when you partner with us to create a customized coffee program to serve your building. We are ready to get started today, so contact our team at your convenience to learn more about what we offer!