New Year’s Resolutions: Three Tips for Eating Healthier in the Coming Year

December 18, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

For many, the turning of the calendar from one year to the next is a time to assess some of the things they’d like to change in life. Of course, eating healthier is an item that is near the top of the list for millions of people, but that is easier said than done. It’s a challenge to change long-standing habits, especially when they are tied to something as emotional as food.

One of the keys to healthy eating for the new year is having the right options available when hunger strikes. If you’d like to help your employees have as many choices as possible to make the dietary decisions that are right for their needs, work with InReach to create a versatile food program in your office. Call today to learn more

  1. Make It Convenient

This is the first rule of building a new habit of any kind. When someone wants to change a behavior, they need to make the new behavior easy to complete and the old behavior hard to complete. With eating, this means making the foods that you want to eat readily available and easy to consume, while foods that you would like to avoid should be hard to find and particularly inconvenient. 

Good food services in an office can go a long way toward checking off this first box for a busy professional. When office vending machines or micro markets have a diverse selection available, including plenty of healthy office snacks, it will suddenly be easier for employees to stay on track with their new diet plan. Where the office environment may have once been a hurdle standing in the way of healthy eating, it can now be an ally. 

  1. Include Plenty of Variety

Another problem is that variety is lacking in healthier diets, so they get boring, and people go looking for alternatives just to break out of a rut. It isn’t even that they don’t like the healthy food that they’ve been having, it’s just that they find themselves eating the same things over and over again. 

Having access to many different types of food options, including items in healthy office vending machines, is another way to stick with healthier eating intentions in the new year. There are countless options for eating healthy on the market today, and mixing it up will make it possible to uncover new favorites while also continuing to come back to the old reliables. Where a diet of the same healthy food day after day is almost certain to fail, a similar diet that is also healthy but has plenty of variety will be far more likely to stick. InReach has a wellness vending program designed to hit different dietary goals, offering plenty of different options to keep the new year interesting.

  1. See the Bigger Picture

All too often, people who are trying to eat healthier get into the mindset of having to be perfect. They mean well by trying to clean up their diet, but by getting into an all-or-nothing mindset, they wind up putting too much pressure on themselves and feel stressed about what they eat. 

The reality is that no one is perfect, and getting on a healthier track doesn’t mean eating perfectly healthy food for every single meal. Seeing the bigger picture and understanding that healthy eating as a general lifestyle is what will lead to good results is important. There is bound to be a snack or meal here or there that doesn’t quite qualify as “healthy,” and that’s okay!

Put Plenty of Choices InReach

Supporting your employees means giving them the tools they need to thrive in all areas of life. When you are ready to add healthy vending machines to your office, or if you would just like to gather more information, get in touch with the expert team at InReach, and we’ll be happy to help. Don’t wait to get started!