Maximizing Workplace Efficiency: The Benefits of 24/7 Access to Healthy Food

August 23, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

An efficient workplace is a productive workplace. When you enable your employees to work more efficiently from day to day, they naturally get more done—and they are less likely to be burnt out in the process.

Efficiency improvements can come in many shapes and sizes, including an upgrade to the convenience of getting food in your office. When it suddenly becomes easier than ever to grab healthy vending machine snacks and get back to work, employees will find themselves feeling fueled up and with more time to do what they do best.

It Starts With Time Savings

What are the benefits of having access to healthy food? One of the first is the time that will be saved in the pursuit of something good to eat.

In some ways, efficiency in the office is a pretty simple equation. When employees have more time to do their work, they will be able to get more done. Taking valuable time out of a standard workday to track down meals or snacks will automatically reduce the number of hours they have available to do their jobs, and less will get done in the end.

You can think about saving time by providing food in the same way that you might think about cutting back on the number of meetings you hold each week. With fewer meetings on the schedule, your teams will be more productive, as those hours will be freed up. It’s the same with offering convenient food services. Present them with food that is close at hand and also delicious, and they will no longer have a reason to stray very far in search of a snack.

A Boost From Healthy Options

If the food options you have available in your office currently don’t fall into the “healthy” category, you stand to enjoy some efficiency gains simply by upgrading what you make available. Snacks that are high in fat and sugar, for example, tend to take a toll on productivity—they can lead to that late-afternoon slump that is all too familiar to office workers.

While you aren’t going to tell your people what to eat, presenting them with access to healthy food that includes some fresh, tasty, health-conscious items will allow each individual to make the choice that is best for their needs at the moment. There can still be some room in the selection for the traditional treats that are often found in a vending machine, but mixing in a selection of healthier snacks will allow you to reach a nice balance.

Provide Mental Clarity

Time is a big part of the productivity equation, but so too are focus and clarity. When people are distracted, they don’t tend to be as productive at work—even if they are physically sitting at their desks and trying to get things done. One possible distraction that they might be facing is ongoing thoughts about where to get food and what kind of food they will get. When you take away that concern by placing healthy, delicious meal and snack options directly in the office, improved focus is a likely outcome.

Put Great Food InReach Around the Clock

If the idea of having vending machines with healthy snacks available throughout the day and night sounds complicated or overwhelming, you need InReach. We make this kind of food service for your employees more convenient than you ever thought it could be. Take a moment now to contact us to learn more about our many services and to ask any questions you may have. We can’t wait to serve you!