How Custom Coffee Programs Satisfy Every Sipper

July 10, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

The bond between office workers and coffee runs deep. Not everyone who works in an office drinks coffee, of course, but many do— reports often indicate that roughly 75% of office workers drink coffee daily. Simply putting out an old coffee machine with a single bag of grounds for your office coffee service isn’t going to get the job done these days, but fortunately, better options are available.

Custom coffee programs, like those created by InReach, immediately elevate the coffee experience for everyone in the office. With expansive options, excellent quality, and consistent availability, office coffee service can be a competitive advantage rather than a pain point in your business.

Benefits of Custom Coffee Programs in the Office

It Starts With Variety

Selection is at the heart of great office coffee services. People have differing tastes in everything, so why wouldn’t that apply to the world’s most popular beverage? A roast that tastes delicious to one person might be barely palatable to another. There are latte lovers, cappuccino cravers, and black coffee buffs to consider. With quality coffee service, you can present many options and ensure everyone in the office can find something they love.

A Streamlined Coffee Experience

Planning coffee service for the office with InReach will enable you to include many smart features that make the experience as convenient and simple as possible for employees. For example, features like contactless ordering are available, as is touchless equipment. Workers can make their way to the coffee station, grab what they want and be on their way in just a matter of moments.

The high-tech nature of our coffee services also extends to the back end of this system. With advanced analytics and metrics, it will be easy to see what is working and what isn’t, so the mix of products can be adjusted and optimized for better results. We also have the ability to troubleshoot some of the machines remotely, and your screens can be customized to feature logos or company information.

A Place to Unwind and Connect

We mentioned that many of your workers will want to be able to quickly grab a coffee and get back to their desks. The coffee services offered by InReach are designed to make that possible—but that’s not always the experience that someone will be after. Sometimes, people want to have a moment to grab their coffee, sit down, and just take a break. For that, you’ll want to have common spaces available along with your coffee service where connections can be formed with fellow workers before going back to the grind.

Go Beyond Coffee

There is no doubting the popularity of coffee, but it’s also true that some office workers will prefer an alternative beverage. Even with the best coffee machine for the office, some employees are going to want something else. Teas are extremely popular, as are energy drinks, sparkling waters, and other options. Building out a drink station that serves as many employees as possible with a wide-reaching menu of beverages is going to be a worthwhile investment that demonstrates to your team just how much you value their efforts.

We’d Love to Chat (Over Coffee)!

If you’ve been feeling like your current coffee machine for the office needs an upgrade, InReach is here to help. Our ability to customize your office coffee program is what really sets us apart. You’ll get exactly what you need and can easily customize your service over time as the tastes and preferences of your team change. Take the first step today by contacting InReach, and better coffee will be soon to follow.