Healthy Snacks That Boost Employee Well-Being

April 12, 2023 · Read Time: 1 Min

You already know that keeping your employees happy and productive is key to your company's success, but have you considered how providing healthy office food could help you achieve your goals?

Offering healthy snacks, meals and drinks to employees isn’t just a feel-good gesture. It’s a smart investment in your workforce. Healthy food fuels productivity while helping your employees avoid sugar crashes and the urge to take a post-lunch nap.

More than half of employees — 53% — consider workplace food quality when deciding to join or stay with an organization.

Satisfied employees are more than just productive: They’ll feel a sense of belonging and know that their employer values them. When your employees feel great physically and mentally, they’re more likely to be engaged and motivated.

But healthy food can carry a stigma of being expensive, confusing and inaccessible, or just plain boring! And when you’re hungry or short on time, it’s tempting to grab something fast and fried. That’s why you need a partner who makes it easy for your employees to get great meals, drinks and snacks that they’ll keep coming back for every day. Meet InReach.


Convenient, Healthy and Good

Your employees lead busy lives and might not have time to prep meals to bring to the office. When you offer up a range of satisfying, healthy and crave-worthy meals and snacks, employees can save time and focus on work without worrying about what’s for lunch.

InReach combines the ease of contactless payments with a range of delicious drinks; fresh, handcrafted meals like sandwiches and wraps; or healthy snacks for the afternoon break. When it’s time for coffee, your employees can get it fast and just the way they want it, with a range of customizable options that will enhance their daily ritual. InReach is all about grab-and-go food that keeps your people coming back.

And, we bring you more than just the standard office pantry. With InReach, you choose what works best in your space, for your team — from micro markets and office coffee service to smart vending machines and contactless payments. We custom-design the perfect food experiences for you and your people, then work alongside you to keep everything running smoothly.


Stand Out From the Crowd

In today’s job market, providing benefits like healthy office food can help you stand out in the vast field of potential employers. When your people feel cared about, they’re more likely to stay with your company long term.

Healthy office food can be a deciding factor for job candidates considering joining or staying with your company, especially for discerning millennials and Gen Zers. About half of millennials and Gen Z say fast food doesn’t have enough nutrition and can harm their health, according to a survey by Segmanta. By making wholesome food options available and affordable, you show you value their well-being.

Offering the best food and drinks to employees is a win-win solution: They get meals and snacks that help them focus, and you get a bump in employee satisfaction and productivity. Become an employer that prioritizes your employees’ well-being — all with convenient, custom solutions from InReach.

It's All InReach

We know one size never fits all — flexibility begins and ends with customization. We're ready to partner with you to create the perfect customized experience for your, and your people's, needs.