Boost Productivity With the 24/7 Convenience of Micro Markets

June 26, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Productivity and nutrition are closely connected. When workers have easy access to the snacks and meals they need to stay fueled, they will perform better on the job and have a better experience in the office.

The question for business owners and managers who operate busy offices isn’t whether or not to offer food service to employees, but rather how to make it happen. There are plenty of options available, but micro markets from InReach just might be the ideal way to present your teams with the food they need to reach their potential.

Benefits of Micro Markets

The (Micro) Market Is Always Open

In a busy office, your workers might not know exactly when they will be ready to eat. Meetings run long. Days run long. Grabbing something for a snack, lunch, or even dinner doesn’t always happen when expected.

Fortunately, none of the chaotic realities of working in a modern office are going to be a problem for your micro market. 

What is a micro market? With a modern, high-tech design, the food and drinks in these in-office markets will always be ready to grab and go whenever your workers have a moment free. They won’t need to leave the office to go find something to eat, saving them time and boosting productivity—while also making for a better employee experience.

A Completely Custom Approach

Every micro market created by InReach is customized to suit the needs of the situation at hand. No matter how much space you have available for your market or what kinds of foods you’d like it to feature, we can work together with you to bring that vision to life. What if you don’t even have a vision at this point? No worries! Our experienced team will lead the way and create a space your entire team will love.

Once you start to work with us on this project, you might be surprised to find just how many different types of foods and drinks can be featured in a single market. Unlike traditional vending machines, micro markets are able to offer an incredible range of products, including hand-crafted sandwiches, fresh salads, and much more. Fresh salads and hand-crafted sandwiches are popular meal choices, along with more traditional office snacks to get through the late afternoon doldrums. Our micro markets feature cold, refrigerated beverages, but you may choose to add an InReach coffee program so everyone will be able to find something that they love.

Bring Your Employees Together

When workers have to go off-site to find food they want to eat, they are likely to scatter. Keeping them on-site provides the opportunity to forge new relationships.

As they enjoy their fresh food, they may opt to sit down together and chat. The conversation could be about work—or it could be about the kids, the weather, or just about anything else. It’s easy to underestimate the value of these chats, but they can be transformative. Connections forged during a micro market snack break could boost engagement, develop valuable collaboration, and even improve long-term retention. 

Transform Your Office Today

There are few limits to what can be accomplished with micro markets from InReach. This is far from a one-size-fits-all solution; a micro market can be completely customized to suit the space you have available and the people you need to serve. Take a moment today to get in touch with the InReach team to learn more about micro markets and how they can benefit your office. We’d love to serve you!