From Bean to Cup: The Journey of Quality Coffee in Vending Machines

August 19, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Nobody likes bad coffee. With so many office workers reaching for a cup of coffee as one of their first acts upon arriving at work in the morning, it’s important to emphasize quality when putting together a coffee program. 

Fortunately, office coffee services have come a long way, and it’s now possible to present your employees with delicious, crave-able options without having a full-time barista on staff. With the right gear and the help of a partner like InReach, you can elevate the vending machine coffee experience to new heights.

It Starts With Great Beans

The advantage of using a bean-to-cup coffee machine—which is enjoying a fresh, tasty cup of coffee—is going to be lost if you don’t start with quality beans. InReach offers a great selection of coffee options to feature in your office, including Fair Trade Certified selections, local favorites, and more. We’ll work together with you to stock the right beans for precisely the types of coffee your people love to drink. 

Quality Machines Make Life Easy

A great bean-to-cup coffee machine puts outstanding coffee within reach for everyone in your office. The machines that InReach utilizes for our coffee services are both reliable and easy to use. You might choose to have a small coffee station established in a location that is easy for everyone to reach, or you could incorporate office coffee machines into a larger break space that also includes something like a micro market or office pantry. If you are tired of having to fuss with the current machines in your building to get them to work, updating the coffee experience by partnering with InReach will be a breath of fresh air.

Keeping It Stocked

One of the ongoing challenges for a business offering coffee services is ensuring the coffee station always stays stocked. No one wants to come in on Monday morning only to find that the beans have run out and nothing is available to brew. Working with InReach makes coffee as convenient as it can be. We’ll keep it stocked with the right products so all your people need to do is come in, fill up a cup, and get to work. 

The Benefit of Staying Put

Many employees in offices across the country are used to leaving the building in pursuit of good coffee. That approach is not only less convenient, but it takes away from time during the day that could have otherwise been productive. Of course, it’s understandable that those employees would want to leave if the only on-site option was a bland cup of coffee that has been sitting in the pot for hours. Upgrading to a bean-to-cup machine that produces a fragrant, appealing brew time after time will leave your employees with no reason to want to go anywhere else.

You’ll also benefit as an organization by keeping more of your people together in a shared space. When the coffee station is an appealing stop, it will likely be a hub of activity in the morning as people gather to fill up a mug and chat. These spontaneous, organic interactions will form bonds between employees and strengthen the fabric of your team as a whole.

Make Coffee a Competitive Advantage

How do you get and keep the best workers in your industry? Offering a great work environment is a good starting point, and an outstanding coffee vending machine is a perk that will surely grab some attention. Work with InReach today to start planning and implementing a coffee program that will satisfy everyone in the office.