Five Ways to Incorporate Snack Boxes Into Your Company Culture

August 21, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Snack boxes from InReach are an excellent way to connect with your employees even when they aren’t physically working in your office. Receiving a snack box at home makes an employee feel valued and respected, and there are a number of ways you can work this program into your company culture.

#1: Celebrate Milestones

Perhaps the first idea that comes to mind when thinking about how to use snack boxes in your company is to utilize them as a way to recognize and celebrate important milestones. You might send one out each time an employee reaches an anniversary within the company, or you may use them as birthday gifts. It’s always hard to know what to send to employees to mark certain occasions, but you can never go wrong with healthy snacks. This is something that everyone will appreciate, and if you keep up the tradition moving forward, your employees will know to look forward to it when one of these dates comes around. 

#2: Add to a Remote Meeting

When you have a remote meeting on the schedule, consider sending out snack boxes in advance of that meeting, so they will all arrive on time with the idea of everyone enjoying the snack while the meeting is underway. This is a great way to make a remote, virtual meeting feel more engaging and connected. Everyone will be trying the same treats and can share their thoughts on the various snacks. If you have noticed that some of your virtual meetings fall flat and people seem disengaged, snack box delivery could turn things around.

#3: Show Appreciation for an Achievement

In most businesses, there are periods of more intense, focused work balanced by periods where things are a little slower. When your team has worked through a difficult stretch, perhaps to deliver something specific to a client or get a new product to market, use the end of that period as a reason to send out snack boxes as a thank you. This is a meaningful token of your appreciation and will let them know that those early mornings or late nights did not go without notice. 

#4: Encourage a Break

In an effort to get ahead and produce as much work as possible, some employees struggle to give themselves a break during the day. While it’s harder to monitor how much time is spent at the desk when employees are working from home, sending out snack boxes is a nice way to remind everyone that they need to tend to themselves during the day as well.

#5: Offer a Random Surprise

Sometimes, the best reason to send someone a gift is to have no reason at all—you just do it as a way to brighten their day and let them know they are valued. This is a great practice in your personal life, and it also works well in a professional setting. You may decide to send out a snack box to everyone on your team or to a particular department or group, just because you’d like to do something nice and give them a reason to smile.

Try InReach Snack Boxes Today

The quality of the products offered with the snack box delivery service from InReach means every employee is sure to enjoy what they receive. Connect with one of our snack experts today to put together a custom order that will perfectly match the needs and tastes of your team. We can’t wait to get started!