Designing the Perfect Micro Market Experience for Your Workplace

July 31, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Micro markets are a modern, exciting approach to convenience food. By adding a micro market to your office, you will be making quality food products available to your employees at all hours of the day and night. The possibilities are virtually limitless in terms of what can be sold in these markets, and your teams will love the convenience and flexibility that they provide. 

What is a micro market? These small shops are an excellent way to make delicious, fresh, convenient food available to your workers around the clock. The design of a micro market is a big part of how well it will be integrated into your space. With a creative, welcoming design, your employees will naturally gravitate toward the market, check out what it has to offer, and make it part of their normal routine. With InReach, each market is a custom experience that is crafted to align with the needs and goals of the specific workplace being served. Let’s examine how to design the perfect micro market for your workplace!

How to Design the Perfect Micro Market for Your Workplace

Picking the Ideal Location

Just as in real estate, location is everything when it comes to building a new micro market. You need to select the ideal position within your office campus to ensure everyone can reach the market without having to go too far out of their way. The more centralized and convenient the market is, the more it will be used.

You may opt to place your micro market in the same location that is already being used for a cafeteria or break room. This would allow people to continue visiting a location they already associate with gathering for a meal or snack. 

However, if you feel that location is not ideal, you may want to analyze traffic patterns to find a great fit for this project. The work required to bring it to life is minimal, so almost any space in your building could work. Spending a little more time upfront to establish the market in the perfect spot will certainly pay off in the long run.

An Emphasis on Openness

Micro markets are about more than just presenting your employees with delicious, fresh food, although that is certainly important. A big part of the micro market experience is allowing people to connect while they are collecting some food and taking a break from the busyness of their day.

Keeping the design of your micro market as open as possible will encourage this kind of organic connection. People from various departments who rarely, if ever, interact may wind up meeting and connecting as they hover around the open-concept market. In addition to facilitating interaction with an open design, such a space is just more inviting and will naturally encourage people to walk in and check out what is available.

Integrating Plenty of Technology

People now expect high-tech features to be included in pretty much everything they interact with throughout the day. Your micro market is no exception. Fortunately, we make that easy. Through the InReach app, users will be able to easily make payments, access exclusive product promotions, and earn rewards.

The technology integrated into the design of your micro market doesn’t have to stop at the front end, however. On the back end, a modern market created with the help of InReach will have smart stocking tools and other advanced features that keep things running smoothly.

An Exciting Addition

When you work with InReach to add a micro market to your office, you’ll be doing more than just making some food and drinks available – you’ll be creating a feature that will be a hub of activity and a popular employee perk. 

The new micro market is sure to be a hit from the start thanks to our promotional efforts. We will host a grand opening celebration including giveaways and raffles, and we will educate your people on how to sign up and use the InReach app so there are no tech-related hiccups. 

All About Customization

Choosing the right micro market solutions and the ideal goods to fill the shelves is all part of taking a custom approach to serving your employees. InReach knows that your teams deserve the best food experience in the office, and that’s exactly what you can expect us to deliver. Building a new micro market in your workplace starts by contacting our team to discuss your needs, get answers to your questions, and put the wheels in motion. We can’t wait to get to work!