Creating a Health-Conscious Workplace: Tips for Employers

July 3, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

Promoting good health among your employees is good for everyone involved in your business. From a purely competitive standpoint, healthier employees are going to be more productive and effective. More importantly, creating a health-conscious workplace is simply the right thing to do for the people driving your business forward. Giving them what they need to thrive on the job and away from the office will benefit everyone in the short and long term.

But how do you achieve this goal? We can work with you to implement a wellness program that may include 100% healthy vending machines, markets with healthy zones, and more.

The wellness program highlights healthy workplace snacks that have less than 200 calories and are trans-fat free. These items also include less than 20mg of cholesterol and less than 300mg of sodium.

Tips for Creating a Healthy Workplace

Design a Healthy Environment

In-person office workers spend the majority of their waking hours inside your building Monday through Friday. That’s a lot of time spent in one place, so it stands to reason that the design of the place will have a notable impact on their overall health.

To contribute positively to the health of your workers, be careful about how the space is designed and what components are used to outfit the environment. Things like ergonomic workstations are a great start and help to avoid repetitive stress injuries. Likewise, having plenty of natural light coming into the office will help, as well as a quality ventilation system that filters the air properly.

Encourage Physical Activity

By its very nature, office work is sedentary. Your employees will sit at their desks for a portion of the day, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. To balance those periods of physical inactivity, you can make it as easy as possible for your teams to get up and move.

A variety of initiatives can help toward this end. For example, if you want to encourage biking to work, you can offer bike racks in front of the building and showers inside for employees to freshen up after a ride. You may also decide to invest in programs for your employees, like group fitness classes or sports leagues, that can be joined to promote physical activity (and perhaps boost morale at the same time).

Support Mental Health

A push toward improved physical health and well-being is only going to be valuable if it is supported by an emphasis on mental health. These two go hand in hand, and demonstrating to employees that you value their health in all areas will make you an attractive, respected employer.

As with physical health, many options are available to promote mental wellness. You can make counseling services available for those who feel they need support. You may also decide to host on-site workshops or programs regarding positive habits like meditation and mindfulness. Many employers now provide their workers with mental health days as a way to relieve pressure or stress when times get tough and they simply need a break.

Provide Healthy Food Options

Healthy food should not be hard to find in your office. You aren’t going to be telling your employees what they can or should eat, of course, but you do want to present them with a range of healthy snack choices that includes fresh items like fruits and vegetables.

Working with InReach makes it simple to tackle the nutrition piece of this puzzle. You could implement a micro market with a range of tasty, fresh meals and snacks or upgrade your on-site vending to include a more diverse selection of foods. Vending machines with healthy snacks can quickly become a reality when you work with us, and many of your employees will appreciate the access to these options.

Delicious, Convenient Office Food Starts Here

Healthy snacking is InReach! Our scalable vending, micro market, and pantry programs can make healthy, tasty food convenient available in your office! We’ll work together with you to create a custom plan that delivers healthy snacks and the foods your employees desire in a convenient, affordable manner. Reach out today to learn more about how InReach can help you create a healthy workplace that everyone on your team will love.