Elevate Productivity with Quality Workplace Coffee Breaks

January 11, 2024 · Read Time: 1 Min

A coffee break is more than just a caffeine fix — it can jump-start productivity and performance in the workplace. But when you’re competing with the coffeehouse down the street or even the perfect at-home cup, why offer office coffee service? Because your workplace could become the go-to coffee spot for your teams! Here’s how that convenient cup of joe can work wonders.

Value in a Cup

When you offer coffee breaks at work, employees feel appreciated and valued. When employees know their workplace cares, they’re motivated to reach new heights in performance. To truly cater to their desires, offer a diverse range of quality coffee choices. From rich espressos to creamy lattes and soothing herbal teas, ensure your workplace serves up a variety of options that suit everyone’s taste buds.

A Java Jolt Sparks Creativity and Productivity

Imagine your team having more time to be productive, creative and efficient — all thanks to a well-deserved coffee break. If you offer gathering places where colleagues can sip and chat, you’re creating an environment conducive to idea exchange and collaboration. Coffee breaks bring people together, sparking creativity and igniting innovation.

Smooth Transitions for Flexible Workers

Let’s make the return to the workplace a delightful experience. A premium cup of coffee or a luscious latte can be the bridge that turns a dull morning commute into an anticipated journey back to work, without the hassle of waiting in a coffee shop’s drive-thru. With InReach, great coffee breaks can be that much-appreciated perk for coming back to the office.

So, how can you elevate those valuable coffee breaks? Consider offering a variety of quality coffee choices and pair them with healthy, satisfying snacks to keep your team nourished and energized. Create inviting areas where employees can connect, collaborate and share ideas.

Plus, we know that everyone has the same 15-minute break in some workplaces. Your people don’t have to spend it waiting in line! InReach can provide coffee for hundreds at the same time so they can get back to work energized and satisfied.

When your coffee breaks are this great, people don’t need to stop what they’re doing to run out for a cup. With a great InReach-powered office coffee service at your workplace, you’ll see a boost in workforce productivity and satisfaction.